“The (burning) technique would be no more than admirably inventive if it didn’t fit so prettily into Painter’s views on transience and fragility. His inclusion of single-word Latin captions such as ‘elegia’ or ‘infinitas’ turns his individual images into allegories of what endures and what perishes.”
— Jerry Cullum, The Atlanta Journal Constitution
After a quarter century of making art in one form or another, an artist can start wondering if any of it makes any difference. I began this journey with the high hopes of somehow changing things-- hopefully for the better. It takes an enduring faith to continue producing objects in an already object saturated environment and trying to balance substance with purchasability in order to survive in a capitalistic society.
I continue because I am still in awe of the ability of artists to transform pure energy in the form of creative thought into a tangible physical form---the alchemy of art. This is the gift of the artist to the larger culture whether one makes a living off their work or not. Some artists make lots of stuff which sells well but has little substance; some make a small amount of things which carry deep philosophical meaning for the few who care to take note. I seem to be somewhere in the middle. I am not averse to making a fortune off my work but that doesn't seem to be what fate has planned. Maybe it's better to have to work for one's living--it puts the edge on.
My best work (in my humble opinion) comes about when I simply follow my hands and forget my head. I happen to like my hands. I like them because they're big and, well, dexterous. They often do things seemingly by themselves, making me feel like a spectator watching a couple of digitized beings going about their tasks, oblivious to the "eye in the sky".
This idea of a detached observing of one's attached appendages can be extended to the need in our culture for more self-awareness. I mean this in the sense of becoming more aware and caring of the impact of one's actions on their own life and the lives of others and the environment-- as they are happening. There is a need to "step outside one's self and watch one's life as if from a "close remove" and steer one's own boat rather than be tossed about by the waves of life. (That last line was from my hands) This, somehow, brings us to the work before you.
My work since 1995 has utilized burning. Either rapidly or slowly, everything burns. The stars, planets, rocks, earth, plants and animals, molecules and atoms, quarks and maybe tachyons--everything that springs into tangible existence starts being consumed by the oxidation of time. This idea has informed my work since I first moved from skill building to the "aware expression of idea". I don't know why this is so, it just feels right. (Some say, that I'm really an arsonist at heart and have simply found a polite and productive way to deal with that tendency.) My use of burning is best summed up in a review by Jerry Cullum in the Atlanta Journal Constitution.
"The (burning) technique would be no more than admirably inventive if it didn't fit so prettily into Painter's views on transience and fragility. His inclusion of single-word Latin captions such as "elegia" or "infinitas" turns his individual images into allegories of what endures and what perishes."
The images that I use are of fragile entities. This of course, could be just about anything but some forms carry more symbolic meaning in our culture than others. The use of a fragile autumnal leaf for instance, carries more fragile associations than say-- a steel beam. Most of the images that I use also emphasize an inherent skeletal structure which is also a means of furthering the fragile nature of existence. In many of my early works I actually used the skeletons of cattle, birds and various other animals. I have since moved on to the illustration of the skeleton which has proved more lucrative and less stinky.
In the more recent sculptural works I have brought the skeleton to the forefront and yes, burned it. This action creates a parallel body of work which allows the content to move forward while building on past ideas. In many of the panel works I have used the image of birds, moths, balsa wood model airplanes, dried roses, dried leaves, grass, wooden boats and violins. All these images have in common an obvious skeletal framework (the violins have what could be considered an "exoskeleton") In creating my charred sculptural pieces I have taken this fragile skeletal idea and made it even more vulnerable by projecting it into three dimensional space. Now, back to that "oxidation of time" thing.
The abiding social theme of my work is that life is both fragile and tenacious. Life survives in the midst of adversity and throughout time. An individual life can be ended by a seemingly small event or endure unbelievable hardship to rise up and continue but "LIFE" in the larger sense goes on. The fragile entities that I present in my works are an attempt to focus on this point. They are. They exist. They continue in the midst of the fire that surrounds them. We live in the point between future and past--in constant motion. If one can become aware of that then one can objectify one's own experience and in so doing become one's own captain.
The first objective in any "plastic" artwork is to engage the eye. I do hope that most viewers will find this work to be firstly -- visually engaging. I find that even after creating hundreds of pieces that I still get lost in the actual production and rendering of an artwork. I still love to watch my independent hands do their thing even while my mind is moving on to the next idea. The initial conception of the idea is still a "big bang" moment for me. I could be quite content with that but then I wouldn't have the pleasure of sharing that idea with others. That is what all this "stuff" hanging on the walls is about.
International Cultural Exchanges And Residencies
The Arctic Circle Residency Svalbard, Norway 2015
Israel/Tennessee Cultural Exchange (catalogue)
Jerusalem, Israel, November 14 -28, 1998
“Maskeraden” International Symposium (catalogue)
Thurnigan Artists Association, Erfurt, Germany, August 5 - 30, 1997
Christoph Merian International Exchange (catalogue)
Basel, Switzerland, July - December 1994
c/o Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Tennessee
Solo Exhibitions
Gilman Contemporary Sun Valley, Idaho March 2013
Diehl Gallery Jackson, Wyoming August 2012
Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee February 2010
Diehl Gallery Jackson, Wyoming August 2008
Zeitgeist Gallery Nashville, Tennessee May 2007
Aliya Linstrum Gallery Atlanta, Georgia 2007
Huntsville Museum of Art (catalogue) Huntsville, Alabama November 2006
Zeitgeist Gallery Nashville, Tennessee October 2005
Zeitgeist Gallery, Nashville, Tennessee, October 2003
Momus Gallery, Atlanta, Georgia March 2003
Zeitgeist Gallery, Nashville, Tennessee October 2001
Susan Key Galleries Knoxville, Tennessee, October 2000
Zeitgeist Gallery Nashville, Tennessee, October 1999
Steppenwolf Theatre Chicago, Illinois October 1998
Fine Arts Center Madisonville, Kentucky, October 1997
Zeitgeist Gallery Nashville, Tennessee, January 1997
Tennessee State Museum Nashville, Tennessee, September 1995
Gainesville College Gainesville, Georgia, March 1995
Lowe Gallery Atlanta, Georgia, January 1994
Lowe Gallery Atlanta, Georgia, January 1993
Carnegie Art Center Covington, Kentucky, May 1992
Lowe Gallery Atlanta, Georgia, March 1992
Collections Gallery Nashville, Tennessee, May 1990
Tennessee Arts Commission Nashville, Tennessee January 1989
Art Fairs
New York Art Fair With Seven-0-Seven Contemporary, New York, New York June 2007
Chicago Art Fair With Zeitgeist Gallery, Chicago, Illinois April 2006
Two Person Exhibitions
Hanson Gallery Knoxville, Tennessee October 2008
Aliya Gallery Atlanta, Georgia March 2006
Aliya Gallery Atlanta, Georgia, April 2005
Zeitgeist Gallery Nashville, Tennessee, October 1996
Greater Nashville Arts Foundation, Nashville, Tennessee, January 1995
Lowe Gallery Los Angeles, California, May 1993
Lowe Gallery Los Angeles, California, May 1992
Selected Group Exhibitions
Diehl Gallery—Aviarium—Jackson Hole, Wyoming 2015
National Museum of Wildlife Art---“Western Visions”—Jackson Hole, Wyoming 2015
Diehl Gallery-Winter Arboretum—Jackson Hole, Wyoming 2014
National Museum of Wildlife Art—“Western Visions”—Jackson Hole, Wyoming 2014
Patricia Rovzar Gallery-21st Annual Group- Seattle, Washington 2013
National Museum of Wildlife Art—“Western Visions”--2013
Gilman Contemporary Sun Valley, Idaho 2013
Birds In Art---Woodson Art Museum Wausau, Wisconsin 2012
National Museum of Wildlife Art—“Western Visions”--2012
Red Clay Survey—Huntsville Art Museum Huntsville, Alabama 2012
Diehl Gallery Jackson, Wyoming, 2011
National Museum of Wildlife Art –“Western Visions”--2011
Janine Contemporary Santa Fe, New Mexico 2011
The Haen Gallery Group Exhibit, Asheville, North Carolina 2009
Center Of The Earth Gallery –“Seed”, Charlotte, North Carolina 2009
Gallery RFD “Unfamiliar Ground” Swainsboro, Georgia 2008
LaGrange National Biennial XXV (catalogue) LaGrange, Georgia 2008
Aliya Linstrum Gallery Atlanta, Georgia July, 2007
Jule Collins Smith Museum of Art, Auburn University (catalogue) Auburn, Alabama, June-Sept. 2007
Aliya Gallery, Atlanta, Georgia, December 2004
Klaudia Marr Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, October 2004
Zeitgeist Gallery-“Rituals”, Nashville, Tennessee, October 2004
Aliya Gallery, -“Flos Sensus”, (catalogue) Atlanta, Georgia, September 2004
Artexpo , Atlanta, Georgia, September 2004
Klaudia Marr Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 2003
Knoxville Convention Center, Knoxville, Tennessee, October 2002
Zeitgeist Gallery, Nashville, Tennessee, November 2002
Susan Key Galleries, Knoxville, Tennessee, November 2002
Nashville International Airport, Nashville Tennessee, February –April 2002
Momus Gallery, Atlanta, Georgia, January 2002
Best Of Tennessee Exhibition, Tennessee State Museum, Nashville, Tennessee October 2001
Swan Coach House, Atlanta, Georgia September 2001
River Gallery, Chattanooga, Tennessee August 2001
Regional Art Exhibition 2000, Renaissance Art Center, Dickson, Tennessee October 2000
Open Show 2000, Oak Ridge Art Museum, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October 2000
50th Annual Mid-States Art Exhibition, Evansville, Indiana, October 2000
Tennessean 2000 Collection and Exhibitions, Nashville, Tennessee, January1999-January2000
Installations, Cheekwood Fine Art Museum, Nashville, Tennessee, May 1999
Maskeraden, EGA Exhibition Hall, Erfurt, Germany, August 1997
Leonard Bernstein Center, Nashville, Tennessee, November 1996
The Elephant Art Show, Zeitgeist Gallery, Nashville, Tennessee, October 1996
Tennessee Arts Commission, Nashville, Tennessee, March 1995
47th Annual Mid-States Art Exhibition, Evansville, Indiana, November 1994
46th Annual Mid-States Art Exhibition Evansville, Indiana, November 1993
Countdown 2001 Exhibition, Nashville, Tennessee, May 1993
American Renaissance Exhibition -- Atlanta, Georgia, June 1993
Daydreams Exhibition, Bowling Green, Kentucky, April 1993
Lowe Gallery, Atlanta, Georgia November 1993…..continued……
46th Annual Mid-States Art Exhibition Evansville, Indiana, November 1993
Countdown 2001 Exhibition, Nashville, Tennessee, May 1993
American Renaissance Exhibition, Atlanta, Georgia, June 1993Pg. 3
Daydreams Exhibition, Bowling Green, Kentucky, April 1993
A.K.A. Gallery Nashville, Tennessee, April 1993
Contemporary International Museum Of Art, Atlanta, Georgia, June 1992
Invitational Drawing Exhibition, MTSU Murfreesboro, Tennessee, November 1992
Film-Flam Exhibition, Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee, October 1992
The Lowe Gallery, Los Angeles, California, May 1992
Capitol Arts Center, Bowling Green, Kentucky, November 1991
42nd Annual Mid-States Art Exhibition, Evansville, Indiana, November 1991
Film- Flam Exhibition, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, October 1991
Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Tennessee, October 1991
Mid-Cumberland Exhibition, Hendersonville, Tennessee, March 1991
Summer Lights Festival, Nashville, Tennessee, June 1989
South African Freedom Exhibit, Nashville, Tennessee, March 1989
Robison-Willis Gallery, Nashville, Tennessee, April 1989
Hendersonville Arts Council, Hendersonville, Tennessee, March 1989
40th Annual Mid-States Exhibition, Evansville, Indiana, November 1987
Tennessee All State Art Exhibition, Nashville, Tennessee, October 1985
Central South Art Exhibition, Nashville, Tennessee, June 1984
Tennessee All State Art Exhibition, Nashville, Tennessee, October 1984
Selected Awards
Gallery RFD, “Unfamiliar Ground”
June 14-July 5 2008 First Award, Georgia
LaGrange Biennial XXV, Lamar Dodd Art Center
March 1- April 24 2008, Merit Award, La Grange, Georgia
51st Mid-States Art Exhibition, Evansville Museum
December 2002-January 2003—Bob and Sara Davies Award, Evansville, Indiana
Best Of Tennessee Exhibition
October 2001—Purchase Award, Nashville, Tennessee
Regional Art Exhibition, Renaissance Art Center
October 2000—Award of Merit, Dickson, Tennessee
50th Mid-States Art Exhibition, Evansville Museum
October 2000— Florita Eichel Award, Evansville, Indiana
Open Show 99, Oak Ridge Fine Arts Museum
September 1999—Top Multi Media Award, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
47th Annual Mid-States Art Exhibition, Evansville Museum
November 1994 Museum Guild Purchase Award, Bronstein Purchase Award, Evansville, Indiana
Tennessee Individual Artists Fellowship
Anne and Walter Knestrick Award—October 1990, Tennessee Arts Commission, Nashville, Tennessee
Metro Arts Commission, Countdown 2001 Exhibition, June 1991
Top Purchase and Juror's Merit Award, Nashville, Tennessee
Mid Cumberland Exhibition, Hendersonville Arts Council, March 1991
First Award, Hendersonville, Tennessee
40th Annual Mid- States Art Exhibition, Evansville Museum, November 1987 Museum Guild Purchase Award, Evansville, Indiana
Central South Art Exhibit, Parthenon, June 1984
Capitol Engraving Award, Nashville, Tennessee
Public and Corporate Commissions
Jackson Hole Airport Jackson Hole, Wyoming 2014
Terminix Corporation Dallas, Texas May 2012
Del Frisco’s Rockefeller Center, New York, New York May 2011
Blue Cross/Blue Shield Chattanooga, Tennessee October 2010
Jackson Hole Airport Jackson, Wyoming May 2010
Fairings Restaurant Dallas, Texas July 2007
Tramontos Steak House Chicago, Illinois November 2006
Fed-Ex Forum-June 2004- Memphis, Tennessee
Arthur Blank-Private commission—March 2002—Atlanta, Georgia
Vanderbilt University—January, 2002 –Nashville, Tennessee
Knoxville Convention Center—September, 2002 –Knoxville, Tennessee
Private Business Incorporated – August, 1997 – Brentwood, Tennessee
Mercury Records — November, 1997— Nashville, Tennessee
Pioneer Music Group – July, 1998 – Franklin, Tennessee
Maskeraden Public Installations – August, 1997 Erfurt, Germany
Selected Reviews And Bibliography
Nashville Scene March 2010 Joe Nolan
The Tennessean February 2010 MiChelle Jones
Jackson Hole News & Guide April 2008 Melanie White
Homestead Magazine Volume 8 - 2008
Nashville Tennessean May-2007- Jonathan Marx
Atlanta Journal-Constitution February-2007- Jerry Cullum
“THE” Magazine—Santa Fe- December-2006- Michael Abatemarco
New American Paintings – Southeast Edition—2005
American Art Collector – Southern States--- 2005
Atlanta Constitution—“Flos Sensus”—Catherine Fox—October, 2004
Best of Tennessee—Tennessee Arts Commission—2001
New American Paintings—Southeast Edition--2001
Atlanta Art Papers —February 2000 —Terri Smith
A Half Century of Art--Evansville Museum--2000
In Review – October 1999 – Paul McClean
New American Paintings—Southeast Edition--1999
Atlanta Art Papers - March/April 1997 — Susan Knowles
Nashville Life - March 1997 Louise LeQuire
Nashville Scene - October 15, 1995 — David Ribar
Christoph Merian Documentation - April 1995 — Claus Donau
Nashville Scene - January 20, 1995 — David Ribar
New American Paintings –Southeast Edition-- 1995
Atlanta Art Papers - March/April 1994 — Angel Medina
Atlanta Constitution - January 16, 1994 — Jerry Cullum
Atlanta Art Papers - March/April 1992 — Susan Knowles
Creative Loafing - March 1992 — Amy Jinkner Lloyd
Atlanta Art Papers - January/February 1991 — Susan Knowles
Shows Curated
New Art From Europe (Contemporary German Artists)
Hendersonville Arts Council, Hendersonville, Tennessee 1990
Black Perspectives (Black Artists From The Region)
Hendersonville Arts Council, Hendersonville, Tennessee 1990